Terms of Production, Payment & Turnaround
Below you will find answers to questions asked most concerning the terms on which we work. These terms are made known as public knowledge, and unless otherwise replaced by a legal paper contract, the terms of production, payment and turnaround policies shall be considered binding upon ANY order being placed, and customer hereby agrees to the terms set forth below as they relate to said order. Placing an order serves as signature and receiving of ALL terms listed below.
Turnaround & Refund Policy
Standard turnaround time shall be considered within 6 weeks or less from time of ordering, meaning when deposit amount required AND ALL SONGS/DEMOS have been delivered by client, and received by Dustin Jenkins. Client understands that while turnaround may be sooner, there is no guarantee of this.
Production hours, turnaround times and projections are to be considered BEST GUESS ESTIMATES, and while every effort will be taken to "meet or beat" the turnaround time listed in the previous paragraph of 6 weeks or less, client acknowledges that schedule conflicts, equipment issues, acts of God or otherwise detrimental situations which are out of the control of Dustin Jenkins COULD DELAY originally estimated turnaround time. Clients are encouraged NOT TO SCHEDULE IMPORTANT DATES that revolve around completion of services rendered by Dustin Jenkins, until product is COMPLETED AND IN HAND.
No refunds will be given under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES for cancellations, even for cases of delays in turnaround time. In the event of cancellation for ANY reason by the client, it's understood that all deposits and payments will be considered forfeited. Client agrees in advance to these terms when ordering, as complete review and acceptance of such terms are a requirement prior to ordering, and therefore by ordering, waives all right to arbitration therein. In the unlikely event of "Confirmed Cancellation" (not to be confused with implied cancellation) by Service Provider (Dustin Jenkins), a refund of UNUSED portions of money paid will be returned within a reasonable amount of time, reasonable being determined at the sole discretion of Dustin Jenkins.
Payment, Deposits, Ownership and Due Credit
Upon placing order, unless otherwise agreed upon by Dustin Jenkins, client is expected AND required to pay upfront a deposit in the amount of 50% of their final order. Once order is completed, a watermarked sample will be available to review. Once the work is "checked off" as completed and accepted, client shall immediately pay the remaining balance of 50% of the order total. Occasionally, orders will be processed without a deposit up front, and in certain circumstances, half up front and half upon completion may be required. In all instances, final payment is expected and required immediately upon notification of completion by Dustin Jenkins. The deposit initially paid is non refundable regardless of final product satisfaction. In the very unlikely event that the client is not satisfied and all efforts have been made to correct said dissatisfaction, client will still be required to pay for work done. NO MASTERS WILL BE RELEASED, NOR SHALL ANY UN-WATERMARKED SAMPLES BE RELEASED UNTIL PAYMENT IN FULL OF FINAL BALANCE IS MADE. At that time, product will be uploaded or mailed, at the client's choice. Appropriate mailing fees will apply if mailing is chosen.
Client, upon final payment, shall have UNLIMITED rights to use of product, and effectively have "ownership" of finished product, otherwise known as "work for hire". Dustin Jenkins reserves the right as creator of said work to use, at his discretion, any portion or all of said work for promotional and demonstrational purposes. But client, upon final payment, shall own the work.
Client is required and does agree to give credit on all recordings, and as much as reasonably possible, public exhibition as to who created the tracks having been ordered from Dustin Jenkins, Trackworx Productions. The credit SHALL read as follows: "Custom Tracks produced entirely by Dustin Jenkins, Trackworx Productions - www.trackworxproductions.com" - Credits MUST INCLUDE the website when at all possible. This is vital to keep our prices reasonable, and advertising costs down.